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Getting Started


Self-hosted Service


We have 2 ways to authenticate with the service:

  1. Short-term 1 hour access with username and password sign in.

    • Require re-authentication every hour.
    • After executing auth = Authentication(project="<project_name>", host=<"project_host">, port=<"project_port">) (this only works for notebook and terminal running on local computer), you will be provided with a sign in interface via a new browser tab. Sign-in

    • After signing in, you will be able to generate a long-term personal access token by running auth.create_access_token(expiration_duration=7, note="testing")

      • expiration_duration is in days.
      • To have non-expiring token, set expiration_duration to 0 (under the hood, it still expires after 100 years).
  2. Long-term access with access token without signing in every time.

    • If the notebook or terminal is running on the cloud, you need to use this method to authenticate with the service.
    • With the save token, you can initialize the authentication class object by executing:
      auth = Authentication(project="<project_name>", host=<"project_host">, port=<"project_port">, token="<your_token>")


MEGAnno supports 2 types of user roles: Admin and Contributor. Admin users are project owners deploying the services; they have full access to the project such as importing data or updating schemas. Admin users can invite contributors by sharing invitation code(s) with them. Contributors can only access their own annotation namespace and cannot modify the project.

To invite contributors, follow the instructions below:

  1. Initialize Admin class object:
    from meganno_client import Admin
    token = "..."
    auth = Authentication(project="<project_name>", token=token)
    admin = Admin(project="eacl_demo", auth=auth)
    # OR
    admin = Admin(project="eacl_demo", token=token)
  2. Genereate invitation code
    • invitation code has 7-day expiration duration
      admin.create_invitation(single_use=True, code="<invitation_code>", role_code="contributor")
  3. To renew or revoke an existing invitation code:
    • after renewing, the expiration date is extended by another 7 days.
  4. New users with valid invitation code can sign up by installing the client library and follow the instructions below:
    • After executing auth = Authentication(project="<project_name>"), a new browser tab will present itself.
    • Clicking on "Sign up" at the bottom of the dialog, and you will be taken to the sign up page. Sign-up

Role Access

Method Route Role
GET POST /agents administrator contributor
GET /agents/jobs
GET POST /agents/<string:agent_uuid>/jobs/<string:job_uuid>
administrator contributor job
POST /annotations/batch
/annotations/<string:record_uuid>/labels administrator contributor
/annotations/label_metadata administrator contributor job
GET POST /assignments administrator contributor
POST /data
GET /data/export
administrator contributor
GET /schemas administrator contributor job
POST administrator
POST /verifications/<string:record_uuid>/labels administrator contributor
GET /annotations
administrator contributor job
/reconciliations administrator contributor
GET /statistics/annotator/contributions
GET POST PUT DELETE /invitations administrator
GET /invitations/<invitation_code>
GET POST DELETE /tokens administrator contributor